Tuesday, April 19, 2011

thoughts on the drive down Paris Pike...

"All changes, even the most longed for have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another."

-Anatole France

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I left my heart...

..you know where ;)

Ryan and I were so very lucky to have met a great group of friends while we were in the Bay Area. It may have taken 3 years for it to happen, but it finally did!

Laurann & Gonzalo are a wonderful couple who work and live in San Francisco. With Laurann also being from Lexington our friendship started as our go-to friends during UK basketball season and quickly became some of our very favorite people to spend our weekends with! Laurann and I have known each other for 20 years but became closer out West, and I will always be grateful for that.

As a parting gift they organized one of the nicest gifts anyone has ever given us! We didn't do an engagement photo session before we were married and I always regretted not having pictures of ourselves as a sort of "San Francisco keepsake" to commemorate our time here. Well they orchestrated one for us! It was the perfect day- beautiful, clear and crisp. And we were able to visit places we'd been meaning to see and cross them off our bucket list right before we left!

We will always cherish these photographs and I am so very thankful to them both for thinking of this. We already have quite a few hanging in our new home!

Thanks again!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Winter Joy

Belle looooooooves snow. I wonder if she missed it like I did. The changing seasons. The new and hopeful. The fresh start every few months. The way snow can make everything seem peaceful and quiet.

And this is yet another reminder that this move was the perfect decision for us.

She's just so happy here.
And so am I.

Here's to a new year filled with simple joys just like this!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

odd things I just can't let go

I've been gathering a mental list of the weird things that I used/needed in California and definitely don't need here but for some reason I'm keeping hold of.

My iPhone weather set to both San Francisco and Pacifica.

My Opentable.com account- even though there are literally six restaurants in Lexington on it, most of which we will never go to, ha.

A BART subway card with a ten cent value.

My California driver's licence- this one is particularly strong, I guess it's because I secretly like the cocked head, squinty look to the card, to me, and then back at the card before I hear in an adorable most-of-the-time southern twang "Cal-eefornee-ay, huh?" every time I get carded. It's silly I know but it's one of those blog-inspired truths I guess.

Why am I finding weird sentimental value in plastic cards, websites and weather updates?

Ok, so I'm going to need this to be an interactive post- basically I'd love anyone reading this to respond with something similar after a big move or life changing event that might seem insignificant to others but for some reason you just can't let go. You know, it's one one of those "Aren't we all a little less weird when we know how weird everyone else is?"

Thanks :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

snail mail is fun

I'm pretty sure everyone loves getting real mail. Since most mail now is completely forgettable (or payable- with absolutely no fun involved in that) I think it's even better when a real card hand addressed is delivered to your door! It's like a surprise just for you and has the capability to perk up anyones afternoon.

Welcome the "We've Moved" line of stationary. In my opinion the only card that could possibly be classier than this tangible announcement of a life milestone is the oft forgotten but always appreciated Thank You note.

Here are some adorable ideas for change of address cards that I found on Etsy.com. I also love the fact that Etsy allows you to support an artist and you can even specify someone local to where you live.

I'll hopefully be receiving mine by snail mail in a few days. Check your mailbox soon to see which card I chose ;)

If Betty Draper ever finally decides to move out of Don's house.

This playful spoof on the elementary school game of guessing your future. The inside reads: "Well it was right about one thing. We got a house!"

These can be personalized to look like the people moving- including your pet! I'm assuming these hipsters are moving in or out of the Mission. See their lack of enthusiasm?

If Daniel Johnston took a Zoloft and designed stationary.

I heart letterpress.

A little life story of how you got to where you are now. Super cute.

All images courtesy of Etsy.com

Monday, November 15, 2010

Safe & Sound in Paris

We are finally all moved in and semi-unpacked in our new house!

The internet was just hooked up- to be honest I had to wait until Ryan came home from a business trip to do it because it involved venturing down into the super creepy basement and that I just don't do. So sorry for the delay in posts.

Will post some pics and little anecdotes of how we're settling into this adorable but definite one-horse town hopefully soon. But I'll give you a hint- leave your computer skills, major credit cards, and non-blue-blood family Last name where you came from- none of these things are necessary here in Paris.

But for now I'm fixin' to take a nap while listenin' to church bells....

Friday, October 22, 2010

Google Fail.

Okay, so I may or may not have Googled the phrase

"How to successfully pack an entire house without losing your mind"

and these were the top answers:

Successfully Adopting A Rescue Dog
How to Get Six Pack Abs Without Going To a Gym
Fox on Sex: Pack Your Bags- It's Time to Get Naughty
Tell President Obama Whats On Your Mind with MTVs Twitter
and a Yelp posting for somewhere in San Diego called Hash House A Go-Go


Happy Friday